Continental Assembly

Keynote Recordings

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Welcoming Address
Dr. Tony Alonso

Tony Alonso is a Latin Grammy nominated composer of sacred music and a scholar whose work responds to the diverse realities of contemporary culture.  In this Welcoming Address, Dr. Alonso explores the themes of the assembly: “Encounter, Embrace, Engage.”

Keynote Address
Fr. Bryan Massingale

Fr. Massingale is a preeminent scholar, activist, and noted authority on issues of social and racial justice. Currently, he serves as the James and Nancy Buckman Professor of Theological and Social Ethics, as well as the Senior Ethics Fellow in Fordham’s Center for Ethics Education. This keynote address is entitled "A Spirit of Racial Metanoia and the Challenge of White Christian Nationalism."

Follow-Up Interview with Fr. Bryan Massingale
Dr. Ish Ruiz

Following Fr. Massingale’s keynote address, assembly participants discussed their takeaways and submitted questions for further reflection. In this follow-up interview, Ish Ruiz synthesizes these questions for a discussion with Fr. Massingale.

MSJC Resources

All resources from MSJC are gathered together in one place!

Assembly Photos

Photos of the assembly are provided by
Kelly Welling from: Kelly Patricia Photography