Our Charism

A charism is a distinct way for individuals or communities to live out their faith within the Catholic Church. The four branches of the Marianist Family - which includes the Marianist Lay Communities - share a common charism in service of the Church and world. This charism is important to Lay Marianists, who know, commit to, and live out this charism in their day to day life. The Marianist charism has been passed on since the time of the French Revolution, when our founders - William Joseph Chaminade, Marie Thérèse de Lamourous, and Adèle de Batz de Trenquelléon - sought out a new way to live the gospel amid radical changes in society and the Church.

The Marianist charism is best learned by being with fellow Marianists and participating in their activities. However, it is possible to describe some important aspects of the charism, including:


For Marianists, faith is lived out in active participation in both the Church and the world. Lay Marianists raise families, are active in their neighborhoods and parishes, and have careers in all sectors of society. In each of these parts of their life, they witness to the gospel message of love, peace, and joy through our actions and words.

Alliance with Mary

The Marianist charism and spirituality invites us to collaborate with Mary in her mission to make Christ present in the world. From Mary, we learn to trust the divine will, be attentive to the needs of others, sing of God’s solidarity with the poor, afflicted, and marginalized, and let the Holy Spirit work in us to bring Jesus and his ministry into the world.


Because of their faith and alliance with Mary, Lay Marianists are in permanent mission in both the Church and the world. Within the Church, Marianists build inclusive structures that promote that active participation of the laity in the life of the church, invite people to explore their faith in the context of intentional community, and resist pernicious forms of clericalism and hierarchical excess. In the world, Marianists witness to the gospel message through works of charity, education, and social justice.

Being in Community

The Marianist charism is essentially communal. Lay Marianists gather in intentional faith communities called Marianist Lay Communities (MLCs) not only to support the spiritual and missionary life of each member, but also to build a common life of faith and action. Each community is unique and has its own culture and activities. Some MLCs meet in person while others meet digitally, but all MLCs are called to be hospitable, welcoming, and communities that build more communities - both Marianist and otherwise - throughout the Church and world.


Lay Marianists promote a spirit of hospitality and openness of mind to all people and experiences in their own communities, in the Church, and in society as a whole. We believe that unity is best upheld in and through diversity. The Marianist Family is a discipleship of equals, meaning that all branches are called to participate fully, as equals, in our charism and mission.